About the Book
Are the unclean food laws strictly for the Jews?
Did Isaiah 66 err in stating that those eating unclean foods will be destroyed at the second coming?
If Jesus sanctioned eating unclean foods during His ministry, why did Peter refuse to eat it during his vision in Acts 10?
Is unclean food the only abomination from the Old Testament that is now allowed today?
Did the physiological makeup of the pig's one stomach change at Calvary?
Why did Paul write the equivalent of an epistle to the Gentiles trying to convince them to continue eating what they were accustomed to eating?
Find the answer to these questions and more as you read what the Bible says regarding this issue that is not only of health, but of salvation.
Available in PAPERBACK and eBOOK formats.
About the Author
Glen Striemer was a career Literature Evangelist of 25 years, working in Canada and the USA. He currently operates the Loud Cry Radio network, operating a variety of internet radio / TV stations, including SDA Radio and Native Hope Radio. He splits his time with his wife Lorraine, spending the summers in Canada, and winters in TN. His hobbies include golfing and preparing sermons on righteousness by faith.
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