Posted by Alison Lopez-Ramirez on 10th Apr 2023
Some people seem to have all of life's advantages, and others, like Berdie Gehring, face struggle after struggle. Starting with an abusive father and then a new "Daddy" who broke her heart, Berdie's life wasn't easy, and she ended up as many lost children do—wild, desperate, and in jail. Thankfully, God had a plan for her and brought people into her life at just the right time to put her on the right road to Him.
Berdie's adventures span decades and take place all across the country. After ending up in a very special series of meetings put on by George and Charlotte Garrick, who were to become great friends, Berdie and her husband parked their big rig in Arizona and learned the Bible's truths and about the gift of the Sabbath.
Berdie's life is truly an adventure, and after being faced with challenge after challenge, and along the way taking many unfortunate detours, she eventually finds the path Toward the Right Road. Share her story and become inspired by what God can do in your own life!
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Author Bio:
Charlotte Garrick and her husband George are retired, after serving for many years in public evangelism. They continue to serve the Lord at their local Adventist Church. Charlotte enjoys writing articles and poetry, playing the piano, baking cookies for George, and eating garden fresh tomatoes and peaches in the summertime. She eagerly looks forward to Jesus' soon return, and her greatest joy is found in helping others prepare for that grand event. Charlotte Garrick also authored EVANGELISM MEMORIEIS AND STREETS OF GOLD.
Berdie Gehring grew up in America’s Heartland, Indiana. After facing many heartbreaks and challenges, she found herself in jail facing an ominous judge, and then being rescued by a kind pastor in the area. She attended a Christian college in Pennsylvania and after graduation worked with a prison ministry. Eventually, she moved to Phoenix, Arizona, to become a teacher and this is where she met her husband-to-be, and where the two of them became Seventh-day Adventists.
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