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From Farm Girl to Missionary / Anderson, Jean M. / Paperback / LSI

945-6880 L


Go back in time to the early 1900s when the work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church was still in its youth and walk with Mary Haskell as she trudges from house to house selling Adventist books. Sympathize with her as her mother torments her and her sister, Susan, as they remain true to God and the Adventist faith, even after the rest of the family falls away. Rejoice as some of those who buy her books also give their lives over to Jesus.

Share Mary’s happiness as she falls in love with Clarence Rentfro, marries, and shares his dream of being missionaries in Spain. Feel the bittersweet emotions as she says goodbye to sister Susan and her young husband, Edwin Wilbur, as they leave to be among the first missionaries to China. You’ll also feel Mary’s and Clarence’s shock when the call finally comes for them to go to the mission field—and it’s not Spain!

You will learn the lesson that the Rentfros learned that God sometimes sends us to places, not of our choosing. But He always goes with us and blesses our efforts to do His work. Mary and Clarence clung to God through privation and plenty, sorrow and joy, as they faithfully did the work placed before them.

It is good for us to know what our pioneers did and how the Seventh-day Adventist Church has grown through the years. We can find inspiration, in their faith and efforts to build up the kingdom of God on this earth, to continue the good work until Jesus comes again.


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About the Author

Jean AndersonBorn in upstate New York, Jean Anderson began writing as a student and sold some articles while in college. She graduated from Andrews University with a double major in English and education. She also holds master’s degrees in clinical psychology and education.
She taught kindergarten and elementary school for several years, then worked as a counselor for over twenty years with experience in child abuse counseling, crisis intervention, marriage and family counseling, and play therapy.
She has written two books and over forty published magazine articles. Because she loves to read biographies, she enjoyed researching material and writing this book about Mary Rentfro. Jean and her husband are currently retired and enjoy spending time with her two sons and their families.



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  1. Highly Reommend This Book 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 31st Oct 2019

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    "This fascinating account of a courageous young girl who traveled to a foreign country to open the way for the Adventist message is so inspiring that I could hardly put it down. What interested me most was that her sister was just as courageous, and this all began when an Adventist neighbor invited the family to Sabbath School when the girls were very young. The Adventist work advanced in two foreign countries due to a simple invitation from a gracious neighbor woman. I highly recommend this book about Mary and her adventures to youth and young adults to inspire them to become missionaries and workers for out church."
    Rita Vital

  2. I am so happy that others can now get to know my beloved Grandmother Mary. 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 18th Sep 2019

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    "My grandmother, Mary Haskell Rentfro, was present at my birth at home in Baldwin Park, California in 1939. Since she had delivered hundreds of babies as a missionary nurse midwife, she wanted to be present at the birth of one of her grandchildren. Mary and Clarence Rentfro were a big part of my life. We all attended church together, worked together and went to family gatherings together. My husband, Richard, met her before we married in 1960, and he loved her as I did. When she later visited our home in San Francisco after I became a nurse, we enjoyed sharing stories of our nursing experiences. The stories so skillfully in this book are the ones I have heard all my life, and I am so happy that others can now get to know my beloved Grandmother Mary."

  3. A Blessing to Me 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 18th Sep 2019

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    "The story of Mary and Rentfro and her family was a blessing to me because it showed how God can lead in a young person's life. The struggle of having unbelieving parents and being willing to stand up for beliefs, yet at the same time being respectful, I found of great value. I also appreciated the lessons of resourcefulness in tough times as I imagined what I would do in difficult circumstances. The possibility for conflict between personal calling and church leadership decisions is displayed with a remarkable lesson of submission and humility from Mary and Clarence. Mary worked the way Jesus worked in healing those who were sick and teaching the people better ways to live. I think the reader will be blessed as I was by this factual account of these dedicated workers for God."
    ~ Robert Phillips, young adult

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