About the Book
“What? Are you pregnant? Oh no! How will I ever get through medical school if there's a baby! Without you working I'll never make it! Oh, my Father! It's taking every penny I make already! Why didn't you prevent this! Oh! My Father! My Father!” He stood up and paced the floor.
Elizabeth was not off to a good start in life, unwanted even before she was born. Fortunately, the tiny baby was placed in the loving care of her paternal grandparents, where she lived for the first three years of her life. Then, her abusive father arbitrarily decided that she belonged with her parents and unceremoniously ripped her from the only safe, secure home she had ever known.
In spite of her turbulent childhood and teen years, Elizabeth managed to go to college and become a physical therapist. Faced with tragedy after tragedy, she decided to temporarily leave her old New England farmhouse and hit the road as a traveling physical therapist. You’ll laugh and cry with her as she traverses the country in her forty-foot fifth wheel with Gracie Allen, her faithful cat. As she survives a broken heart, a blow-out on a busy Florida freeway, a tornado in Kentucky, and a pain-crazed, gun-wielding patient, she grows ever more dependent upon the God who promised to never leave her nor forsake her.
Journey with Elizabeth as she makes “forever friends” from coast to coast, savors the beauty that is America, and cherishes the home on a rocky Maine shore that is her anchor point throughout her travels—and realize that the same God who never left her alone will never leave you, either.
Available in PAPERBACK and eBOOK formats.
About the Author
Elizabeth Boyd was born in Florida, but lived in many places growing up. After becoming a physical therapist, she fell in love with Maine and purchased an old New England farmhouse near its rocky coastline. A series of heartbreaks set her on the road as a traveling PT. At home again and retired, she writes from her beloved farmhouse and enjoys daily walks to the bluff overlooking the ocean.
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Posted by ALR on 12th Jan 2021
TEACH Services received the following review:
“This book depicts beautiful lessons of a lifetime lived to its fullest with God. It is not void of the pain of loss, loneliness and, heartbreak, but the hard times are eclipsed by the overwhelming peace and joy that comes from knowing God. It reminds us to take a deep breath and remember that life is about the journey and not the destination. I am encouraged to seize every opportunity to do good and invite God into the little areas of my life.”
—Natalia Jamrog, Associate Treasurer and Associate HR Director, Northern New England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Posted by ALR on 12th Jan 2021
TEACH Services received the following review:
“Four books in one. Four style. ONE GOD. One woman and her journey into peace—peace learned from a journey of surrender.”
—Beverly Koester, Southern New England Conference, Adventist Book Center
Posted by ALR on 12th Jan 2021
TEACH Services received the following review:
“This book is an excellent example of the fulfillment of the promise by the Lord to Joshua: "He will never leave thee or forsake thee" It was difficult for me to stop reading (as I ran out of time) and, ultimately, I did not want it to end. Thank you, Elizabeth, for the reassurances it gives each of us.”
—Alice Cunningham Spindler (Alice Cunningham, M.D.), retired physician and friend of Elizabeth’s friend
Posted by ALR on 12th Jan 2021
TEACH Services reeived the following review:
“Have you ever wondered ‘Where’s God?’ Have you been hurt, perplexed, lost, and believed God was absent? Elizabeth shares her life’s story, showing us that our Father is ever with us, especially when things seem darkest.”
—James Horan, Elder, Rock Springs, Wyoming SDA Church