The all-time bestseller; the most translated book; the most controversial title—The Bible. Throughout the ages this precious book has been both persecuted and preserved, yet many today question the inspiration of the Bible as their faith weakens, and the Biblical fundamentals on which our modern day society depend crumble.
This book was written to confirm and establish faith in the true infallible word of God. Today more than ever is a need to return to the authentic roots of our spiritual foundations. With the lines between the true and the false becoming blurred to unrecognition, it is imperative we can discern the accurate. Satan is working overtime to the point, if it were possible, he would deceive the very elect. Faulty Bible translations exist which draw minds away from the truth to the deceiver.
Our Authorized Bible Vindicated explores the history of the Bible throughout the centuries and how it has been preserved in its entirety untainted. The reader will be lead on a journey back to a solid belief in the true word of God and how to discern it from the false.
Benjamin G. Wilkinson, PhD worked as the Dean of Theology for Washington Missionary College (now known as Columbia Union College today). During his long years of service to the cause he loved, he also dedicated his life in ministry and study. This work is the culmination of study for many urgent requests he received in this pertinent subject.
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Posted by Sandra M. on 5th Feb 2016
I wish there would be an easy way to get this all into a sermon so others would know the truth about the Bible versions; which are pure and which are counterfeit. This is an important topic to learn, why aren't our ministers teaching us these things? I'm so glad I use the King James Version and also use this version for my children's Sabbath School class.