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Our Wonderful Judge / Freed, Allan / Paperback / LSI

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About the Book 

It should go without saying that Christ is central to Christianity. Most Christians know that He is the means by which God brings human beings back into fellowship with Himself. They may also be aware that Christ is our substitute and surety, our righteousness, and our pattern and example for living. What they may not know is that, as the sinless “second Adam,” Christ has become the new head of the human race and that, in leaving this world, He sent His Spirit to complete the adoption process for all who receive Him (Gal. 4:6, 7). And what they also may not know is that Christ is also our Wonderful Judge, which is encouraging news headed toward final judgment.

Allan Freed describes Christ’s roles in human redemption, how the biblical sanctuary foreshadowed the pathway of reconciliation to God, and what the believer must do to cooperate with Jesus as He finishes His heavenly sanctuary ministry. He warns about a perilous path promoted by a three-part religious union that has declared Protestantism dead, and he offers insight to get on and stay on the pathway that will take us home to God.

Available in PAPERBACK and eBOOK formats.


About the Author 


Dr. Allan W. Freed received a bachelor of theology from Canadian Union College in Alberta, Canada, a master’s of public health from Loma Linda University, and a PhD in Religious Education from Andrews University. Freed served as a pastor and a chaplain in Canada before taking a call to serve in Pakistan for six years. He worked as manager of housing administration and employee at Andrews from 1996 to 2004. He enjoys gardening, golf, and travel.

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  1. A marvelous reminder of the solemn work Jesus is doing for us... 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 20th Jun 2019

    TEAHC Services received the following review:
    “Our Wonderful Judge by Allan Freed is a marvelous reminder of the solemn work Jesus is doing for us in the heavenly sanctuary and the sure hope we have in His final work as our great High Priest. Allan does a thorough job of connecting Jesus’ work in the sanctuary with the closing scenes of earth’s history and the events that reveal that very soon His final atonement will close forever and Jesus will come to take us home. What a friend we have in Jesus, our Saviour and Wonderful Judge.”
    —David Beaudoin, Pastor, Alberta Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

  2. ...writing reflects careful study and prayerful application... 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 20th Jun 2019

    TEACH Services received the following review:
    “I just finished reading Allan Freed’s manuscript [Our Wonderful Judge]. In my humble opinion, it is meat in due season. It is biblically balanced and thorough, given its short length. It is faithful to the perspectives and writing of Ellen White. I or others may have chosen to nuance certain concepts differently, but the writing reflects careful study and prayerful application, and so I pray for it a wide reading in the critical season of the impending latter rain. 'Even so, come, Lord Jesus.'”
    —Dwight Nelson, Pastor, Pioneer Memorial Church

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