About the Book
Meet SPUD, the Wonder Dog! From the start, Spud knew he was special—and so did we! He was the very best animal friend in the world, even when he was tipping over canoes and trying to make friends with skunks boring with Spud!.
This book is a collection of Spud’s grandest adventures. These stories illustrate essential things to all of us—friendship, honesty, obedience, and forgiveness. They also show us the value of enjoying every moment God has blessed us with and appreciating the little things He has done for us.
Available in PAPERBACK and eBOOK formats.
About the Author
CJ Anderson lives with her husband, Robert. They divide their time between Walla Walla, Washington and Mc Donald, Tennessee where their two sons reside. They are both retired or just tired as they like to say. CJ graduated from Southern Adventist University in 1980 and from Southwestern Adventist University in 1990 with a Master’s Degree.
She loves the out-of-doors, especially on her recumbent trike. She also enjoys music, traveling, reading, and visiting with friends and family. Her favorite Bible text is John 3:16 because it shines with the simplicity of God’s love and His plan for our redemption.
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