About the Book
Let’s see, I have the tape, the tape recorder, and fresh batteries. But Father, my thoughts continued and became a prayer, the folk with whom I want to share these words on tape have a very limited understanding of English, and I certainly have no knowledge of Danish. But then, if You want to rearrange the electronics inside that recorder in such a way that the English recorded on the tape is converted into Danish before it emerges from the loudspeaker, that will be a trivial thing in comparison to what You’ve already done. For once I refuse to worry about it. Not that You expect me to. This whole trip was Your idea. It certainly wasn’t mine, although I’m certainly happy to be making it.…
Get ready for an inspiring story about the providence of God and how He works to accomplish His purposes—even if it takes many years! In this delightful sequel to Son of the Vikings, miracles follow on the heels of miracles as Glenn connects with his past as the son of Oscar Engen. Follow him on his journey of meeting his relatives in faraway lands and presenting them with the message of hope. See the hand of God work in his own life, turning tragedy into triumph as he serves the Lord. Glenn believes that this story needs to be told. He hopes that readers will obtain a fresh look at how God can take seemingly unrelated and highly unusual series of events into opportunities to witness for Him.
This book contains many experiences of great challenges that were met by answered prayers. The faith and courage of every reader will be strengthened. ~ Steve Walikonis, Retired Pastor
It is my prayer that many faith-seeking readers may find the blessing I have found in reading this important testimony of God's loving faithfulness through the Engen family. ~ Daniel Matthews, Former Executive Director Faith for Today Television
Available in PAPERBACK and eBOOK formats.
About the Author
Glenn F Engen, PhD, inherited a legacy of faith from his father, an immigrant from Denmark who stayed true to his beliefs through incredible challenges. Glenn faced his own challenges as a scientist working primarily in the field of microwave metrology. He and his first wife Sadie Owen Engen hung onto faith and watched God work miracles for them. Glenn’s competence as a physicist and electrical engineer, with patents to his name and awards from the USA government, paved the way for him to travel to Denmark to train other scientists and to share his faith with relatives still living there.
Aletha Gruzensky is a free-lance writer who has known Glenn and Sadie Engen since childhood.
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Posted by ALR on 7th Nov 2023
TEACH Services received the following review:
"As one who personally knew the author, I am inspired by how one so academically gifted maintained his simple trust and faith in Christ throughout his life. This book contains many experiences of great challenges that were met by answered prayers. The faith and courage of every reader will be strengthened."
~ Steve Walikonis, Retired Pastor
Posted by ALR on 7th Nov 2023
TEACH Services received the following review:
"This story is both captivating and especially faith building. I found it particularly appealing because Glenn's brother Hartman was my very personal friend prior to acquaintance with sister, Ruth, and Glenn and Sadie. It has been my privilege to serve at Memorial services for Hartman, Ruth, Sadie, and also Glenn. Having been in a pastoral role with each of them and known a bit of the Engen story and especially Glenn's scientific orientation this account fills in many important details. It is a special honor to be invited to provide a review. It is my prayer that many faith-seeking readers may find the blessing I have found in reading this important testimony of God's loving faithfulness through the Engen family."
~ Daniel Matthews, Former Executive Director Faith for Today Television