Which switch do we use to power off a device? The on-off switch, correct? It is one switch. Has the enemy convinced humanity that God has two power switches—one that does good things and one that brings destruction? Or will one switch be sufficient, the same as the one for our electric lights that both [...]
This book reveals Gene Anderson, a Spirit-led champion, as he related to people through God’s perspective. Genuine and approachable—with determination and incredible mental and physical tenacity—he unreservedly embraced both awesome adventures and heartbreaking difficulties with zeal and grace.During the 1952 year-end meeting of the Burma Seventh-day Adventist Union in Rangoon, the chairman stated, “We have [...]
Throughout his life, Curtis Miller has always endeavored to follow the Lord’s leading, even when it meant relocating his family to the Middle East Division of Seventh-day Adventists. As a child, he grew up hearing the thrilling mission stories told by his uncle Clarence and his aunts Mary and Bess—some of the earliest Seventh-day Adventist [...]
This book of Bible studies is designed to encourage the reader to not only read but MEMORIZE God’s Word. We are told to, “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” (Eph. 6:11, KJV). Part of this preparation for battle is knowing God’s [...]
We've all heard the words "God loves you," but have you ever thought about what that really means? This beautifully illustrated and written allegory attempts to help children understand the depth of God's love for them, even when they are in life's muddy situations. By identifying with a very special and peculiar stone, children will [...]
Living a Victorious Life from the Bottom to the Top The road to recovery from tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana is tough if you travel it alone. But what if you find a guide to help you along the way—someone who successfully broke free from these substances, changing an unfulfilling life into a life of purpose [...]
“So the old man was home again. He could be heard roaring and then grumbling and then roaring again, cursing profusely in his drunken stupor, growling as he stumbled around the lower level. The children and the mother made room for him, much as one wittingly gets out of the way of a big, unfriendly [...]
If you are interested in a biblical approach to the question of women’s ordination, then Women Pastors and God’s Ordained Order is the book for you. It establishes the fundamental trustworthiness of the Bible as the guiding light for the church. Author Louis R. Torres shows that, although there are cultural issues in the stories [...]
Got a minute to improve your health? That’s all it will take to read any one of the 50 different health minutes in this book.Here are some of the topics:8 Tips to Boost Energy Levels • Activated Charcoal • The Avocado • Benefits of Pure Air • Brain Fog • The Healthiest Sugar • Heart [...]
After hitting bottom emotionally and spiritually, the author comes to faith in Jesus. In his new Christian walk, he struggles with the anxiety, fear, and poor decision-making habits from his past, along with wounds from a failed marriage. Claiming promises in the Bible, along with attending church and sending “mountains of prayers,” he perseveres. He [...]